Creating Change - Advocacy
4 Guys Express Their Masculine Journey
Transgender Rights Legal Guide! Fight Against Transgender Violence, connect with advocates or ask for legal advice or support! Information here!
Equality: Reforming Police and Ending Anti-Transgender Violence! Information here!
Responding to Hate Crimes: A Community Resource Manual! What Are Hate Crimes And Working with Victims plus Dealing with the Perpetrator and Working with Law Enforcement. Information here!
PFLAG: Advocacy is a big part of the work that PFLAG members and supporters do, working to achieve LGBTQ equality through changing not only hearts and minds, but laws. They work at the community level, at the city and state level, and at the federal level to affect change so that people who are LGBTQ are safe from workplace discrimination, have the health care that they need, are safe in their homes and schools, and much, much more. Information here!